Free Vsble Subdomain:

Your free domain shows without SSL? Check the following: 

Do you enter the domain with "www" or without? If you use www with a free subdomain, it will not work as described here.

Custom Connected Domain:

Your domain doesn't connect or shows no SSL? Check the following:  

  • Both A-records for the root domain ( without "www") and the subdomain "www." Make sure to have both; only one will not work.

  • Some providers use "@" or "*" or ask to leave the space empty for the root A - record; please check with your provider what kind of character they use. 

  • Make sure you have not AAAA records for the domain, as that will override the A-Records that connect you to Vsble. 

  • Make sure you have not other A records pointing to different IPs, as that will mess up the mapping. You can only map a domain to ONE IP-Address, not several (A rope has also only two ends)

  • Have you entered the domain in your Vsble Account in the custom domain field? If the connection does not work immediately, it can take up to 48 hours: this depends on your domain provider, how fast they update the DNS records.

If you still experience problems mapping your custom domain, we can connect it for you for a small one-time fee. 

Please contact the support for assistance in that case.