Free Vsble Subdomain:
Your free domain shows without SSL? Check the following:
Do you enter the domain with "www" or without? If you use www with a free subdomain, it will not work as described here.
Custom Connected Domain:
Your domain doesn't connect or shows no SSL? Check the following:
Both A-records for the root domain ( without "www") and the subdomain "www." Make sure to have both; only one will not work.
Some providers use "@" or "*" or ask to leave the space empty for the root A - record; please check with your provider what kind of character they use.
Make sure you have not AAAA records for the domain, as that will override the A-Records that connect you to Vsble.
Make sure you have not other A records pointing to different IPs, as that will mess up the mapping. You can only map a domain to ONE IP-Address, not several (A rope has also only two ends)
Have you entered the domain in your Vsble Account in the custom domain field? If the connection does not work immediately, it can take up to 48 hours: this depends on your domain provider, how fast they update the DNS records.
If you still experience problems mapping your custom domain, we can connect it for you for a small one-time fee.
Please contact the support for assistance in that case.